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Talent Beyond Belief
UnHeard Tears is a groundbreaking film that exposes the hidden reality of domestic violence against men and dominant women in relationships. Based on real-life events that could end in tragedy, this film reveals the devastating effects of domestic violence and the struggle for survival of those who experience it. It is a compelling story full of pain, hope, and resilience that will touch your heart and mind. UnHeard Tears is an essential film for anyone who wants to understand more about the issue of domestic violence. We invite you to learn more about this project and how you can support this important film.
UnHeard Tears

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How to Get Out of a Domestic Abuse Situation
Suffering abuse at the hands of a spouse or partner is one of the most devastating betrayals of trust that can happen to a person. Often, the abused does not even recognize that their life is at risk. The love and devotion they feel toward the abuser prevents them from getting out of the household and finding a new living situation as soon as possible. In fact, many actually blame themselves for their partner’s behavior.
Unfortunately, these problems are all too common in the United States. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 10 million Americans suffer from intimate partner violence every year. Nearly one in three women and one in nine men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime.
Fortunately, you truly are not alone. If you are in a dangerous domestic abuse situation, there is help available, and you truly can leave this life behind. Here are some steps you can take, courtesy of Talent Beyond Belief Studios.
Step 1: Leaving a Domestic Abuse Household
Leaving home is an incredibly brave thing to do, especially when you are walking away from a partner who abuses you. However difficult it may be, it is imperative you get out of the house and find someplace safe where your partner cannot find you. Sadly, women are more likely to be murdered in the weeks after leaving her abusive partner than at any other time in the relationship and 11% of men consider taking their own lives as a result of abuse .
Here’s how to prepare for getting away safely:
Establish a safety plan. Start making copies of important documents, take photos of evidence of abuse, and make necessary precautions if you have children or pets living in the house.
Abusers often use cell phones and GPS apps to track their partner’s locations. Get an alternate cell phone, and save important numbers in your contacts. When it is time to leave, don’t take your old phone with you.
Pick a safe place to go when it is time to leave. A family member or close friend’s house is preferable, but there are plenty of domestic violence centers that provide shelter for those in need. It’s best to find a place where you are not alone.
Start saving as much cash as you can, especially if you’ve experienced financial abuse. A partner can track your whereabouts with credit or debit card information.
Your local family court can help you place a restraining order against your abuser. Domestic violence shelter advocates can also help with this process and put you in contact with your court.
Step 2: Moving to a New Home
In a best-case scenario, the abused is able to leave the abuser and relocate to a new home. Moving on your own can be a struggle of its own kind, especially if you’ve never done it before. Finding a new house, packing up your belongings, and relocating are all physically and mentally draining.
Here are some things that may help with the process:
When looking for a new place, then research the best prices and neighborhoods in your region. Make sure that your partner does not see any of this research so that they cannot find you after you leave.
Move to a safe area with plenty of resources that will make starting over easier. If you have children and you want them to stay in their current school, you can use an online search tool to ensure the area you’re interested in lies in your desired school district.
Complete everything you need to do in order to prepare for a move: apply for address confidentiality, find packing supplies, sell furniture you don’t need, and make an inventory of what you pack.
Professional movers can safely and effectively carry large objects and loads of boxes from one place to another. Save money by scheduling them during the week.
Set up your own security in your new space. There are plenty of easy to move options that you can set up in a rental spot. And don’t worry. There are plenty of resources online to help you troubleshoot this equipment.
Take the Important Step to Leave
If you are living with a partner that physically or mentally abuses you, know that you are not alone. Millions of people every year suffer from abuse, but there are people available to help. Remember, you deserve better.
We at Talent Beyond Belief Studios support everyone’s right to be safe. Please seek the help you need to get out of a domestic violence situation.
If you or anyone you know needs help Text : START to 88788 or Call 800-799-7233
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